The Best DIY STEM Tutorials and Projects

Saif rehman

Saif rehman

PWM concept

OVERVIEW Learn the magic of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and make an LED fade in and out like a smooth heartbeat! By adjusting the brightness with code, you can create cool lighting effects, like a dimming light show. It’s a…

Taking input From POT

OVERVIEW In this project, we’ll learn how to take input from a potentiometer and read its values using Arduino! A potentiometer works like a volume knob, changing resistance as we turn it. We’ll see how Arduino captures this data and…

My First Code. Hello world!

My 1st Code Hello world

OVERVIEW The “Hello, World!” program is the first step into coding with Arduino! It’s a simple piece of code that helps us check if everything is working. Just like saying hello to a new friend, this program introduces you to…

Intro to Arduino!

Installation of arduino, thumbnail

Video Tutorial OVERVIEW Let’s set up the Arduino software so we can start coding! First, go to the Arduino website and download the Arduino IDE for your computer. Once it’s downloaded, open the file and follow the easy installation steps.…