The Best DIY STEM Tutorials and Projects

Saif rehman

Saif rehman

STEM Conductivity Project

OVERVIEW In this Chapter we will use all the knowledge we have learned so far, to make a project that can test if an object is a conductor or a non-conductor Conductor & Insulators First, let’s learn what is a…

AND Logic gate

OVERVIEW In this Last Chapter we noticed when any of the buttons is pressed, the bulb switches on, now we will make a circuit, in which the bulb will only light up if both buttons are pressed! and its called…

OR Logic Gate

OVERVIEW In this Chapter we will learn about Logic Gates, all computers are made using these logic gates, there are basically 3 types of Logic Gates, OR, AND & NOT! Let’s Start With OR Gate! Components Required Here is a…

Learning Parallel Circuit

OVERVIEW In Chapter 1, we learned about the basics of electricity and the different types of circuits, including parallel circuits. Now, we have the opportunity to put our knowledge into action by creating a parallel circuit in this project. By…

Learning Series Circuit

OVERVIEW Hi, in this chapter we will make a Series Circuit, you already know from the previous chapter what a series circuit is now let’s make 1! Happy Learning Components Required Here is a list of Components that we will…

Basic Circuit

OVERVIEW Hi, This project can be a fun and educational introduction to the basics of electronics and can help kids develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. In This Project, we will learn to make a basic circuit using and Battery, LED…

Paper Rocket


OVERVIEW In this Project, we will learn to make a Paper Rocket with Craft Paper and Straw. You may have noticed that rockets and missiles usually have triangular fins at their bases. The same applies to other long, skinny objects…

Coin Shooter


OVERVIEW In this Project, we will learn to make a Coin Shooter with Popsicle Sticks and Rubber Bands A stretched rubber band is a great source of elastic potential energy. When released, that energy is converted to kinetic (motion) energy. The energy…

Arrow Shooter


OVERVIEW In this Project, we will learn to make a Arrow Shooter with Popsicle Sticks and Rubber Band. A stretched rubber band is a great source of elastic potential energy. When released, that energy is converted to kinetic (motion) energy. The energy…

Catapult v3


OVERVIEW In this Project, we will learn to make a Catapult version three with Popsicle Sticks and Paper Cup. A catapult uses the sudden release of stored potential energy to propel its payload. Most convert tension or torsion energy that was…