The Best DIY STEM Tutorials and Projects

Saif rehman

Saif rehman

Challenge: LED Mania

OVERVIEW Introducing the “LED Mania” STEM Challenge🌟 In this exciting and engaging STEM challenge, young learners will embark on a creative adventure to build a vibrant LED circuit. The objective of the “LED Mania” challenge is to design and assemble…


OVERVIEW Hey there, Science Explorer! Have you ever noticed those tiny, glowing things in lots of the stuff we use every day? They flash when we take pictures with a camera, help us tell time on digital clocks, and make…

BreadBoard – What, Why & How

OVERVIEW Hey there, Science Explorer! Today, we’re going to discover an amazing tool that will be the foundation for all our future electronic adventures. It’s called a breadboard, and it’s like a superpower for creating cool projects! What is a…

What is Resistance

OVERVIEW It’s time to look at the third term that enters the picture whenever we talk about electronic circuits: Resistance By the end of this level, you’ll have a better understanding of what voltage, current, and resistance are, how they…

What is Current?

OVERVIEW We’ve been talking about something called “voltage” which is like the boss of electricity. It tells the electricity where to go and how fast to move. But we haven’t really talked about the tiny things that actually move around…

What is Voltage

OVERVIEW Welcome to Level 2! In this chapter, we’ll learn about the basic of electronics and learn about three basic parameters – voltage, current, and resistance. These three parameters are very important to understand how electronic devices work and how…

LED Pulse Timer

OVERVIEW Welcome to our basic electronics kit tutorial series!In this Project, we will learn how to make a LED Pulse Timer Circuit. we’ll be covering everything you need to know to get started with your new electronics kit. Components Required…

Smart Sunrise Alarm

OVERVIEW Welcome to our basic electronics kit tutorial series!In this Project, we will learn how to make a Smart Sunrise Alarm Circuit. we’ll be covering everything you need to know to get started with your new electronics kit. Components Required…

Ping Pong Pickup Challenge

OVERVIEW The ping pong pickup challenge is a fun and engaging activity that can be used to encourage students’ creativity and problem-solving skills. The challenge involves giving students a set of materials, including craft paper, thread, tape, and paper clips,…

Salt Water Conduction Test

OVERVIEW Welcome to our basic electronics kit tutorial series!In this Project, we will learn how to make a Cool Salt water STEM Project Circuit. we’ll be covering everything you need to know to get started with your new electronics kit.…